
Indonesia’s Presidential Election is Over, then…

July 8th, 2009, can be the greatest day for those who win the Indonesia’s presidential election. That can also be the saddest day for those who have spent a lot of money and works just to grab the victory but lost finally.

As of this writing was published, the quick count result unveiled that Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono appeared the winner, leaving behind his two competitors Megawati Soekarno Putri, Indonesia’s former president, and Muhammad Jusuf Kalla, Yudhoyono’s former partner.

Of course there are many people hanging hopes from this presidential election. Some want to see changes, while some others demand the continuation of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s governance.

Indeed, there are many beautiful promises spelt out by those candidates during the campaign period. And from those promises, some of us are forgetting the suffering we have shouldered during the previous five years.

Now, I want you to share your opinion about the current Indonesia’s presidential election. Tell me everything relating to this presidential election by writing down on the comment form.
(Komentar dalam Bahasa Indonesia juga boleh kok)

Thank you,
Irfan Nugroho

BACA JUGA:  Mengikuti Imam yang Empat daripada Ulama Kontemporer

Irfan Nugroho

Hanya guru TPA di masjid kampung. Semoga pahala dakwah ini untuk ibunya.

Tema Terkait


  1. Now, I want you to share your opinion about the current Indonesia’s presidential election. Tell me everything relating to this presidential election by writing down on the comment form.

  2. gpp ah JK kalahntar nyalon lagi yah paksaya yakin dengan semboyan bapak”Pake tangan kita, Pake ilmu kita”itu akan berdampak bagi kemandirian bangsa

  3. Wah… mo komen apa ya? Terus terang bhs Inggrisku 'grotal-gratul' tapi aku coba deh…masalah pemilu kemaren… selamat deh bagi yang menang tapi tunggu kepastian dari KPU dulu ya jangan trus 'mentang-mentang' ntar malah bikin sakit hati yang kalah… bagi yang kalah… nggak pa-pa… 5 th lagi masih ada kesempatan…

  4. Saya pengikut lebih cepat lebih baik, namun gak apa-apalah kalah, ini namanya kompetisi ada yang kalah ada yang menang. Kata seorang kawan di facebook, JK kalah konon katanya tidak disukai ibu-ibu karena slogannya yang “lebih cepat-lebih baik”. Ibu-ibu lebih suka yang tahan lama sehingga berbondong-bondong memilih yang berslogan “Lanjutkan….. lanjutkan!!!. …(intermezzo bozzz).. ok trims atas kunjungannya. Salam

  5. I think, this 1s the competition. In the fact, there are the winner, and the looser.Congratulation for the winner. They should doing well all of the promises. Hopefully, for the future, Indonesia getting better and better.

  6. Salam. Sekarang kita menunggu dan akan melihat 2 hal. (1) sikap gentle dari para calon yang kalah, apakah mereka legawa dengan kekalahannya, (2) menunggu realisasi janji manis pihak yang memang. Apakah mereka benar-benar bekerja untuk rakyat

  7. Komentar A Khudori Soleh, bagus tuh.Setelah itu, pihak yang kalah semoga mau bekerja sama, misi2 selama kampanye diterapkan bersama-sama, biar lebih sempurna.Kalau tidak terpilih jangan mencela program yang dijalankan pihak terpilih, kurang ini itu.Bersatulah demi kemajuan Indonesia tercinta.

  8. Well, that is politics, lots of promises during election, but then after, they forget what they promise. Most politicians do and say whatever they can, just to win. I do hope the right people win 🙂

  9. I agree with Marifen. But dont hope anything with elections in our country 'couse many voter still choose to the performance, not flatform. You can watch and analize this condition. How much people know whose “the real president” now? I think just a little to know that…

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