
Feel the Sensation of “Private Beach” on Nampu, Wonogiri, Central Java

By Irfan Nugroho Think about having a private island with your home facing directly to the sea. There is no crowd of tourists. Tranquile and peaceful.

Hmmm… Much wonderful, right? But, how if you don’t have enough money to have such an island, or resort?

Then I will show you the right place to feel the sensation of having a vacation on a private beach called Nampu Beach.

Situated in the village of Dringo, Parang Gupito Sub-district, Wonogiri District, Central Java – Indonesia, this tourist destination is visited by a small number of people.

Now, you can compare to Kuta Beach in Bali, or Ancol in Jakarta, then both are densely visited by either local or foreign visitors.

And on Nampu Beach, you will no see such a crowd, or if you take a visit to this destination on working days, there will be no visitors but you and our entourage.

A path leading to the beach

See there, the time I was there, no other visitors came to the beach

See there, the time I was there, no other visitors came to the beach

I had once experienced the sensation of private beach on Nampu Beach dated back to September 19th 2011.

Along with my friends in my boarding house, we went there by car and spent the whole day on the beach by grilling fishes, playing Indonesian traditional game called Gobak Sodor, and looking for starfish.

We’re not Seven Man Seven Heroes (SMASH)!

Never think that we got the fish from the beach, we brought it from home

Acting wise, it took an hour to light the fire 🙂

Feel the sensation of having meal together on an open field, on the beach!

We brought a ball actually, but it was lost and therefore we played Gobak Sodor

Yes, exciting! And tiring, of course…

Brief Description
Readers, Nampu Beach is totally awesome. There you’ll see the water of Nampu Beach that is so clean that you can see the living sea world within.

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The sand is white, and the corals are wonderful, indeed.

You can do everything, as long as it is morally appropriate because people around the beach are famous of honest, kind, and upholding their local wisdom to rule their daily behaviour.

It does not matter if you want to build tent for spending one or more nights there, not on the beach, but on the high land around the beach.

Indeed, there are some hills surrounding the beach and they are pristine and green.

However, I do not recommend that you surf on the beach because starting from two o’clock in the afternoon, sea flux begins and results in low tide.

Are you looking for the best place to have pre-wedding photo session? Yes, this is is the right choice.

See the water is so clear that you can see what lies under the water

A starfish, but hey! Where is Spongebob?

Have a vision to take pre-wedding photo session here?

Or think about having boyband photo session here like we did?

Another spot?

Getting to Nampu Beach
Getting to Nampu Beach is rather difficult, however. Considering its location that is situated in the hinterland of Wonogiri district, only few transports modes can be used.

If you land at Adi Sumarmo airport, Boyolali, Solo, Central Java, I suggest that you take public bus leading to Pracimantoro, Wonogiri District.

Soon when you arrive at the crossroad of Pracimantoro, take another transport mode leading to a village called ‘Guntur Harjo.’

Going to the village of Guntur Harjo requires you to take a minivan locally called ‘angkot.’

And when you are at the crossroad of Guntur Harjo, there will be no more public transport leading to the beach.

And the solution for this is asking for help to the local people to drive you to the beach.

If you want to get there by walk, that’s OK but it will take a long time since it is five kilometres away from the beach.

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Going there by walk from Guntur Harjo will be a fascinating journey if you are interested in the fields of Geography, Geology, Archaeology, and Topography.

For your information, the surrounding hills of Nampu Beach were covered by water very long time ago.

For that reason, there are huge numbers of corals on the hills few kilometres before the beach.

In total, it takes about three hours from the city of Solo passing by Sukoharjo district, the heart of Wonogiri district, Pracimantoro, and Parang Gupito sub-district.

Along the journey to the beach is magnificent, where you will see mountainous lands with freshly green scenery.

Around the heart of Wonogiri district, you will be offered with beautiful scenery of Gajah Mungkur dam – the biggest human-made dam in Central Java Province.

Now, if you are reading this article in Indonesia, why don’t you go there immediately? You can contact me as well, if you need help to get there. See you on Nampu Beach…!

Sorry for the inconvenience. We are male, and we are boyband acting like girlband 🙂

Wish my friend in the military forces won’t report this kind of silly action 🙂

Irfan Nugroho

Hanya guru TPA di masjid kampung. Semoga pahala dakwah ini untuk ibunya.

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